Adds Strength to Soil

KAP Bio Manure enriches the Soil, by adding sufficient amount of Macro and Micronutrients.

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Helps in Plant Growth

Being rich in nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium, our KAP Bio Manure helps in plant growth.

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Promotes Quality Flowers and Fruits

A sufficient amount of Phosphorus (P) in KAP Bio Manure promotes flowering and fruit set in Plants.

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Improves Plant Root System

A considerable amount of Phosphorus and Potassium in KAP Bio Manure helps plants grow new roots.

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Increases Soil Organic Carbon

KAP Bio Manure has readily degradable organic matter and adds carbon directly to the soil.

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Encourages Soil Micro Organisms

The Organic matter in our KAP Bio Manure provides sufficient nutrients to promote the propagation of soil microbes.

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Increases Crop resistance to pests

More than 17% of Organic matter in our KAP Bio Manure to soils can reduce the arthropod pests population.

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Reduces Chemical Fertilizers Usage

Applying bio-fertilizers with a combination of KAP Bio Manure can reduce chemical fertilizer and pesticide use.

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Prevents Soil Erosion

KAP Bio Manure prevents Soil erosion by Improving soil structure, a season-long supply of nutrients, and an increased water-holding capacity.

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Our Products

KAP N-Riched Bio Manure 50Kg Bag

Best suitable for all types of Crops like Food, Commercial, Vegetable, Fruit, Flower and etc.

KAP N-Riched Bio Manure 25Kg Bag

Best suitable for all types of Crops like Food, Commercial, Vegetable, Fruit, Flower and etc.

KAP Bio Manure 5Kg Packet

Best suitable for Plant Nursery, Gardening and Landscaping.

KAP Bio Manure 1Kg Packet

Best suitable for Home, Balcony, Roof and Kitchen Gardening.

What Our Customers Say

KAP Bio Manure is a highly nutritious organic manure. This organic manure has high nutrient values ​​like Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium as per the standards proposed by FCO. This product is applicable for all types of Vegetable, Food, Commercial, Fruit and Flower crops.